Blogs – Kavanaskincare


  • Kavana at the Fashion on Fire Fundraiser for Arthritis research

    What a treat to take part in the "Fashion on Fire" fundraiser for Arthritis Canada, at Arcadian Court in the heart of downtown Toronto, last month....
  • Mother's Day in Bellwoods with Kavana

    What a beautiful Mother's Day in Trinity Bellwoods, Toronto! Kavana Skincare was thrilled to join the city's best handmade artisans for this market in the park. The sun came out, the cherry blossoms were in bloom and everyone dropped by with the mother and their furry friends! Thanks to everyone who made it possible and came to connect and enjoy this glorious spring day in community!
  • Toronto Botanical Gardens (Edward Gardens) Holiday Market Nov. 24-26th, 2023.

    The season's changed in the blink of an eye and though the clocks turned back, I have still not found the time to blog consistently, if at all. Whi...
  • Question Peri.d 4: Do hormones affect our sense of smell? Mate selection? Reproduction?

    Do you ever notice that your partner’s sweaty t-shirt smells delish to you when you’re ovulating but maybe more on the "sleep in the guest-room ple...
  • Question Peri.d 3: Why does skin become so oily during the Luteal Phase?

    Many women deal with excess shine and acne breakouts, blackheads, whiteheads, congested skin and more, during their monthly cycle. But what’s causi...
  • Question Peri.d 2: Why do I feel so hot during ovulation?

    Ovulation occurs in the middle of a woman's monthly cycle- between the follicular and luteal phases. It's the time of the month, during which, a wo...
  • Question Peri.d 1: How does your period affect your skin?

    If you've ever woken up and noticed that your skin looks different at different times of the month and throughout your life, this can be connected ...
  • Kavana featured on Subkit!

    Subkit reached out to interview Kavana founder Maya Goldenberg about her entrpreneurial journey and so much more.  Read the interview here.  
  • Kavana's Top 10 Tips for Better Rest & Hormone Balance

    Rest is key to hormone balance. The symptoms of perimenopause are real for women between the ages of ~30 to 55, and the seemingly never-ending de...

    Are you a woman between the ages of 35 and 55? Have you felt or noticed changes in your skin that seem like more than just a sudden, new skin condition?  Have you noticed changes in your sleep patterns, menstrual cycle, mood, energy levels, appetite and libido? Ever wondered why these changes seem to occur, what causes them and what you can do about it? Have you ever heard the term 'perimenopause'? 
  • DOES SKINCARE 'WORK'? A closer look at skin, skincare & toxins.

    This week’s Kavana or intention, is to debunk a prevailing, popular myth around skincare, explore how the skin works to protect us and discover how toxins and substances in skincare get into our bodies through the skin.

  • Toxic Babies & the Mean 15

    When it comes to cosmetics and personal care products, the idea of 'informed consent' is a kind of misnomer, and oxymoron that asks us to consent to using something we are usually uninformed, ill informed and/ not adequately informed about. 

    To decipher the long lists of ingredients on the back of the majority of personal care/ cosmetic products, and be truly informed about what exactly we are putting on our bodies, and how these ingredients- alone or in concert- can affect our skin and our health, might require a degree or three- in chemistry, botany, biology, dermatology, toxicology, physics, latin and thousands of dollars in sophisticated technology and peer-reviewed tests. (Tragically, leaving no leftovers for shoes! ;)

    Most of us are too lazy to bother and just want to buy the nice smelling, vanilla skincare the nice lady is selling. Turns out, ignorance is bliss and it smells good too! This week's Kavana blog post, will give you an idea of the top toxins to avoid: The Mean 15.